Sunday, November 25, 2012

The joy of family!

I had the privilege of spending Thanksgiving with my family and children for the first time since 2009. It was just like any other day, but my emotions ran so high I thought my heart might burst with overwhelming feelings of gratitude, love, excitement, sadness, anxiety, and any other feeling or emotion you could possibly imagine lol. My family means the world to me and on that day of November 22, 2012 I have never been more happy to be surrounded by family and people that love me and have supported me through thick and thin and continue to support me and love me as family should. I have two beautiful children who love me dearly. I am so thankful that I am here for them and they for me. They keep me strong when I am weak and lift me up when I least expect it. It is by the grace of God that I am here today and though at times I find it hard to see my purpose my journey consists of finding it. Every time I find myself complaining about something or sulking or falling into self pity the Lord taps me on the shoulder and reminds me of what has been and what could be. He reminds me of consequences of sin and to be thankful for what he has given me. He reminds me of his promises and his undying love for me. He stands with me through the pain and suffering and carries me through the muck and the mire that I would otherwise drowned in.



 We celebrated Jacobs third birthday! He is getting so big, such a handsome little man. He enjoyed all the attention and birthday cake and ice cream as well as all the presents. As usual though he thought all the balloons were the best thing in the world since pie ha ha! Both Ava and Jacob play with them for hours, but the balloon fight with great grandpa was the best. Jacobs birthday isn't until the 26, but I will not be with him so we celebrated on Thanksgiving as he was originally a turkey baby!


  We also decorated the Christmas tree a day later. It was so funny to see all the ornaments at the bottom of the tree and the top naked per say! We had to work hard to confiscate some ornaments before they were all used up to put some on the top of the tree. It was fun and I think they enjoyed it. We listened to Christmas music for the first, and most definitely not the last, time this year.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend and gobbled till you wobbled! As for myself I ate what I wanted and maintained my weight loss. NOW back on track till Christmas. Lets see if I can get in another 10 pounds on top of the 25 I've lost before the next holiday, roughly 4 weeks or so. Update on my diet and weight loss thus far soon!

Till next time have a safe and wonderful week!

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